Saturday, July 25

What I have been up to


As you most likely can tell, I haven't updated this for a bit. While I have managed to get into pod on a regular bases, I haven't really gone out into space much for the past couple of weeks.

But this has changed, 2 days ago, I decided to make a move from Sarum space, and moved into Khanid space. Now I have been telling myself that I needed to get back closer to home for some time, haven't been their since I graduated from the Knights, and just before I started training with the Imperial Academy.

I decided the best course of action was to talk to an agent with the Royal Khanid Navy, and was glad to meet a decent agent. So far he has at least talked to me like I matter, better then some of the Amarr agents I have ran across, but I only assume it's because they looked over my record and realized that I would be moving from them to better agents soon, so they didn't feel like giving me the time of day, not to say that I miss them that much, but I did meet some nice agents, who I would actually get a drink with after taking care of either Sansha or Blooders.

Well I will try to keep this updated a little better in the future.

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