Monday, April 27

Not much has happened


So needless to say, nothing real eventful has been happening lately. The party on Sunday night has so far been the highlight.

I have been doing jobs for Further Foodstuffs, and been thinking of what my plans are for the future. I currently have 2 offers from 2 different Corporations to join them, granted 1 I have been in before, and the other is run by a friend so it's not like they are after me because I am a crack combat pilot. Don't get me wrong, I know how to pilot my ships, and usually unless I get cocky I can more then easily handle non-pod pilot ships. Pod pilots are a completely different story, I still will probably get my ship destroyed and my crew killed if I go up against a pod pilot.

Well that's it for now.

Sunday, April 26

Last Night


Last night, I was invited at the last night to a Birthday Party for Amieta Invelen. It was aboard her employers (Captain Silver Night) Carriers. I show up without really knowing anyone, but did enjoy myself. I did manage meet some pilots, and I believe I made a few good contacts, granted we were in a what I would feel a neutral environment, but still when we are in ships, I will be still a little leary of their intents, considering I am an Amarr loyalist. But that is for the future to bring, and it does not good to dewel on ill thoughts.

Where my military training started.

I started out being a normal Khanid child, playing, running, being a brat to girls. Just normal little boys attitude, but that all changed when I was 8 years old. My family having been cyber knights for as far back as we had kept records, it was my time to start the training. You could say that this would be like any other type of military training, but when your 8, and you remember reading stories about the knights, and now, you finally get to start down the long road to become one, it is mind boggling at that young of age.

I spent 10 years training and upon reaching 18, I was finally graduating. Most of my class was going to go off to the Khanid Royal Navy, a dream that my family,
especially my mother had hoped for, to follow in the footsteps of my father and grandfather. But you could say the will of God had other plans for me, since part of the final year we had to be exammied by doctors to see if we were capable to have the interfaces necessary to become pod pilots. The tests weren't voluntary, but deciding to go down that road was.

My parents knew that I had been tested, but they thought that I would, like so many of my classmates turn down the offer, but after graduation I told them that I had applied to the Imperial Academy and was accepted. I was going to ship off in the next 2 weeks, and start my training. My parents, especially my mom was devasted, I told them that I would be back to server the Royal Navy, but I would return as a pod pilot. This made them feel a little better, but not much.

I spent the next 8-9 years training as a pod pilot, when I finally graduated, I started to work for the Sarum Family, but the promise that I made my parents, I will make it back to the Royal Navy, and work for them.